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Celebrating the 65th Salt Lake City Matsumoto Friendship Commemoration.

Mayor Yoshinao of Matsumoto City will be leading a delegation of 19 community leaders from the city on a visit to Salt Lake City on July 23 and 24, 2023.

The Matsumoto City Government has graciously provided us with an itinerary below.

7/23/2023   Courtesy Visit to the Mayor of Salt Lake City

                        Climate Change Panel Discussion (5~6 pm; see image


                        65th Sister Cities Relationship Commemoration


7/24/2023   The Days of '47 Parade (9 am)

                        Friendship Commemorative Tree Planting (2 pm at the

                        Japanese Garden, International Peace Gardens)

For further information and inquiries, please feel free to contact the Sister Cities Board Manager, Katie Matheson, at (385) 215-4802 or via email at

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Join Salt Lake City Mayor Erin Mendenhall and Mayor Yoshinao Gaun of Matsumoto, Japan for a discussion of how the two SISTER CITIES can collaborate and adapt to climate change together.

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